Top Water Damage Prevention Tips

Whether we own a home or a company, we are all vulnerable to water damage. To avoid dealing with soaked carpets and furnishings, this post will review some of the most effective methods for preventing water damage.

1. Water Sensors – Keep an eye out for leaks:

One way to prevent water damage is to have water sensors in place. Water sensors detect when there is water present and will activate an alarm if there is a leak. This can help you to catch a leak before it becomes a bigger problem. Water sensors can also help you avoid damage from floods or accidental spills.

2. Check for Swelling water pipes – Burst pipes can lead to flooding:

If your water looks a little murky or spills out onto the floor, it may be time to check for swelling water pipes. Burst pipes can lead to flooding, which can cause incredible damage in a short amount of time. Here are some tips to help you check for and prevent swelling water pipes from bursting:

Be sure to keep an eye on your water usage. If you see that you are using more water than usual, it may indicate a problem with your plumbing.

If you notice any strange noises coming from your pipes, don’t hesitate to call a professional. This will help you ensure that there is no damage being done to the pipes and that no flooding is imminent.

Always use a plunger if there is an obstruction in the pipe. This will help remove any matter blocking water flow and prevent flooding.

Keep an emergency kit ready in case of a sewer backup or overflowing sinkhole. These kits contain everything from flashlights to buckets and can help get everything back in order quickly and without fuss.

3. Winterize your Home – Make sure your home is ready for the cold weather:

Everyone knows that water is moisture, but most people don’t know that water damage can occur from various sources. Anything from accidental spills to natural disasters like floods can cause water damage in your home.

To avoid costly water damage in the coming winter season, follow these three tips:

Keep all doors and windows closed when it’s cold outside – This may seem obvious, but you would be surprised at how often people forget to close their windows and doors. Closed windows and doors keep heat inside and prevent moisture from entering, vital for preventing water damage.

Clear any snow and ice from roofs and gutters – Snow, ice, and debris can quickly accumulate on roofs and gutters during winter, leading to potential water infiltration. If this happens, it will take longer for the roof to drain properly and could lead to severe water damage in your home.

Make sure drains are clear – Clogged drains are the most common cause of home water damage. During the winter, frozen chunks of waste can build up along drain pipes, obstructing them completely. This can result in dirty drainage that increases the likelihood of flooding during heavy rainfalls or melted snow buildup that causes standing water. Keep drains clear by using a plunger or snake every once in a while to dislodge any blockages (and make sure kids don’t play with them!).

4 Check Pipes and Sump Pump Systems – make sure they are operational before a storm hits:

Before a storm hits, it’s essential to check your water damage prevention system. A check pipe is vital to any water damage prevention system and should be checked regularly during dry periods. Ensure the valve is open and the flow is high enough to prevent blockages. The sump pump should also be checked for proper operation – if it isn’t working correctly, have it serviced before a storm hits.

5 Dehumidifiers – Keep your basement dry during the winter:

If you have a basement, it’s essential to keep it dry, so mold and water damage don’t become an issue. There are a few things you can do to help ensure that your basement stays dry during the winter:

Dehumidifier. A dehumidifier will help to remove moisture from the air, which will help to prevent water damage.

Seal cracks and holes in the basement walls and ceilings. This will help keep humidity levels down and reduce the chances of flooding.

Keep doors and windows closed during the winter months. This will help to conserve heat and prevent drafts, which can lead to water damage in the basement.

Insulate your basement walls and roof with insulation materials such as fiberglass or batt insulation. This will help trap heat inside the basement, preventing it from escaping and causing moisture problems.